Friday 12 September 2008

hi... a bit of word from the stage manager

Hi I'm Robyn, call me Robyn
I will be the stage manager for this production (Student Prince) with Renata
We will be coordinating the whole of the backstage, so we're gonna be dead if there are any problems in teh backstage.
save us by working together...
if there are any questions please ask either one of us.
If you can't come to any of the meetings please tell one of us.

If there are any more who wants to join, please notify us.

thx, hope for the best, Robyn

PS: the grade's (X or XI or XII) is not a boundary, we're all gonna be killed if something goes wrong...
PPS: contact me at (fs, fb) or or +6281932742862 (xl)

1 comment:

gloria said...

Hallo stage manager. I would like to participate, any thing behind the scene would be OK. Let me know if I can be of any help, contact me at